Last year, I was invited to speak at an IVF seminar hosted by a very well known
Fertility Centre. I shared about the importance of pregnancy preparation. How to get
the body into the best reproductive health to increase chance of IVF success was my
main topic. During the Q&A session, there was one particular couple that drew my
attention, because even though there were many people around, the lady cried out
right on the spot. Everyone was concerned about what happened to her.
She cried while she asked the doctor, “I did 2 IVF cycles in Malacca, I completely
failed one cycle and have miscarried on the other. Can I transfer the remaining 5
frozen embryos to KL for implantation?” The doctor replied that, since the embryos
had only been cultured for 3 days, plus the embryo freezing technologies were not
matured enough in Malacca, it was highly not recommended for them to be
transferred anywhere.
The next day, this lady, Mrs. Lau came to see me. According to my experience,
because the embryos were made before pregnancy health preparation, their quality
would be very weak, in fact, I would not recommend the embryos to be implanted at
all. Poor embryo quality is one of the main reasons of causing miscarriage.
Mrs. Lau was only 28 years old when she saw me. But after my detailed diagnosis, I
discovered that she suffered severe PCOS for a long period of time. As a result, after
her previous IVF cycles, her hormones were totally unbalanced, her menstrual cycles
became very irregular with sharp back pain each time and she would be tired very
easily. On her husband’s side, the sperm analysis report showed low sperm counts,
extreme low motility (ability to swim) and 98% of the sperm cells were abnormal.
This was why they decided to get IVF treatments in the first place, because of poor
sperm quality.
After 6 months of treatment, Mrs. Lau was asking if it would be suitable to go for
implantation. Looking at her results, I saw that her Progesterone showed significant
improvement, from 4.2 nmol/L to 7.95 nmol/L. The result for the rest of their
reproductive health showed massive improvements too. I had a lot of confidence in
them, hence, even though I did not recommend using the previous embryos, Mrs. Lau
didn’t want to waste them. Nevertheless, the great news was, this time, she was
pregnant with just 1 embryo being implanted. When she came back to see us again,
she was already 30 weeks pregnant, and she was so looking forward to bringing the
baby home for the Chinese New Year.